Fish for life



This page will display various videos which are relevant for the presentation of project activities and which may be of interest for visitors of this project web resource. Please click on the videos to replay.


Additional interviews with the German team, taken during production of the project documentation in Malawi and Germany (in German).

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bernd 1 movie bernd 4 movie bernd 2 movie bernd 3 movie bernd 5 movie marina 1 movie marina 2 movie marina 3 movie marina 4 movie marina 5 movievideo embed code by v3.1

Time-lapse videos
from the pictures taken while constructing the hatchery and the solar power plant at the farm of the Bunda College in March/April 2018 and a drone flight over the farm facility.

Constructing the hatchery Set-up solar power plant Drone flight over Bunda Farm

Presentation of a pilot barrelponics unit at the Bunda College

Barrelponics system at workhow to embed video in wordpress by v3.1

Please note: this site is under construction. Copyright ©2018  Fish For Life,